Tox-Bind is a broad-spectrum binding formula containing natural ingredients from the purest sources to support enhanced clearance of heavy metals, unwanted organisms and organic compounds from the GI tract.
Binders have been used for centuries as a remedy for toxin exposure. For many practitioners today, binders play an important role in many detoxification protocols and have avital role in protecting the gut lining. While dietary fiber is a cornerstone in daily detoxification, selective binders like Tox-Bind are more targeted and are used to bind and remove specific toxins from the GI tract for a thorough detoxification protocol. Tox-Bind supports elimination to reduce hepatic reabsorption and help relieve toxic load. Also, for individuals with highly reactive immune systems, Tox-Bind works to limit the effects of die-off reactions and sweep toxins away from the gut lining before they can cause a severe reaction or immune response.