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Bio-B12 Folate

Bio-B12 Folate

Regular price $34.00 USD
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Vitamin B12 collaborates with folate in various physiological processes, encompassing the enhancement of metabolic energy, promotion of red blood cell production, facilitation of mood regulation and cognitive function, up-regulation of methylation, augmentation of DNA synthesis and repair, and assistance in the formation of the protective myelin sheath – the outer insulating layer that accelerates nerve cell transmission. Many B12 supplements feature cyanocobalamin. However, for B12 to be effectively utilized, the liver must first eliminate the cyanide molecule and attach a methyl group, resulting in methylcobalamin – the biologically active, tissue-ready form. Scientific research indicates that methylcobalamin is more efficiently utilized and retained in the body compared to the cyanocobalamin form. This Methyl B12 formulation comprises a concentrated and bioavailable source of two crucial B vitamins: B12 and folate. Each tablet delivers 5,000 mcg of methylcobalamin and 1,000 mcg of folate in the form of Quatrefolic® (100% 5-MTHF). This synergistic blend of methyl-donating B vitamins rapidly elevates tissue and brain levels, providing robust support to various bodily systems.
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