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Bio-B Complex

Bio-B Complex

Regular price $23.00 USD
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A diverse and intricate array of B vitamins is crucial for the body's conversion of food into cellular energy. These water-soluble vitamin groups are absorbed in the small intestine and then undergo biotransformation into their active coenzyme forms in the liver. B vitamins, functioning as prime coenzymes for the Kreb's cycle, play a key role in maintaining energy production. Notably, folate, B6, and B12 are essential for proper methylation, a biochemical process converting the amino acid metabolite homocysteine into methionine and cysteine. This process is vital for supporting cardiovascular and mental health, a healthy nervous system, gene expression regulation, proper energy metabolism, as well as immune and nerve cell function. BIO-B COMPLEX is a balanced and comprehensive supplement containing eight essential B vitamins, along with choline, inositol, and folate in the form of Quatrefolic® 100% 5-MTHF. The high-quality ingredients in BIO-B COMPLEX contribute to building a healthy micronutrient reserve, supporting energy production in the body.

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